How Long Does a Family Provision Claim Take?

When it comes to family provision claims, one of the burning questions on the minds of those involved is, “How long does the process take?” It’s a valid concern, considering the emotional and financial toll these claims can have on families. We’ll dive into the world of family provision claims, exploring the factors that affect their duration and offering insights into what you can expect when embarking on this legal journey.

Understanding Family Provision Claims

Before we delve into the timeframe, let’s ensure we’re on the same page about what family provision claims are. These claims are a legal avenue for eligible individuals, typically family members or dependents, to challenge the distribution of a deceased person’s estate. They aim to ensure that adequate provision is made for their maintenance, education, or advancement in life.

Commencing a Family Provision Claim: The Key Timeframe in NSW

It’s important to note that there are specific time limits within which you must initiate a family provision claim. In NSW, the relevant timeframe is within 12 months from the date of the deceased’s passing. This means that if you believe you have a valid claim and wish to contest the distribution of the estate, you should take action promptly. Failing to adhere to this timeframe can significantly impact your ability to make a claim, so seeking legal advice early is advisable to ensure you meet the necessary deadlines and protect your rights.

Factors Influencing the Duration of a Family Provision Claim

Several factors come into play when determining how long a family provision claim takes. It’s essential to remember that each case is unique, and the duration can vary widely. Here are some key factors that influence the timeline:

1. Complexity of the case

The intricacy of the legal issues involved is a pivotal factor that can have a profound effect on the time needed for a family provision claim. More complex cases often require extended periods for comprehensive research, evidence gathering, and the presentation of intricate legal arguments. The depth of legal analysis required can introduce variability into the timeline.

2. Estate value and assets

The size and complexity of the deceased’s estate are pivotal factors. Larger estates, with a multitude of assets and potential beneficiaries, may require more time for thorough evaluation and addressing any disputes or contests related to the assets. The complexity of financial matters within the estate can also contribute to the timeline’s variability.

3. Negotiations and mediation

The negotiations and mediation phase can have a large impact on the time a family provision claim may take. Some cases may involve extended negotiations between parties, resulting in a longer overall process. However, as stated above, it is important to remember that a claimant only has 12 months from the date of the death of the deceased in order to commence Court proceedings seeking provision or further provision. In that respect, initial negotiations are limited to occurring during that initial 12-month period.

4. Court proceedings

In instances where negotiations fail to yield a resolution, the matter may advance to court proceedings. Legal procedures such as hearings and judgments can extend the timeline considerably. The specific dynamics of each case and the court’s schedule can also influence the duration of this phase. Hearings and judgments can take months or even years to conclude.

What to expect

While it’s challenging to predict an exact timeline for a family provision claim, it’s reasonable to expect that these cases may take several months to resolve. In some instances, they can extend to years, especially if they go to court.

It’s important to note that seeking legal advice early in the process can streamline matters. A knowledgeable and experienced will dispute lawyer can help you understand your rights, assess the strength of your claim, and guide you through negotiations or court proceedings.


So, to answer the burning question, “How long does a family provision claim take?” – it depends. In the world of family provision claims, the duration is influenced by a variety of factors, from the case’s complexity to the estate size and negotiation process. While the timeframe can vary widely, understanding these factors and seeking professional legal guidance can help you navigate this challenging process more effectively. But with the right legal support and a clear understanding of the process, you can work towards a resolution that meets your needs and concerns.

Our will dispute lawyers have extensive experience challenging wills. If you are considering making a family provision claim, call our office on (02) 4943 3988 to speak with us. We are always here to help, and have years of experience assisting people in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Hunter region.

This blog was written by Associate,
 Jessica Benson
Jessica practises in the areas of Family Law, Wills & Estate Planning,
Deceased Estates and Will disputes

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